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Jose Javier Ruiz de Olano Ansorena

Postgraduate Student
Master in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics
Department of Linguistics and Basque Studies
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

Short description

I am a student in the Master in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics (UPV/EHU).



University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).


I am interested in

Semantics, Syntax-Semantics interface, Negative polarity items, Indefinites.

Main research topic

The syntactic distribution and semantics of the Swedish indefinite pronoun and determiner någon.


Brief summary of my research topic

There is a still unresolved debate as to whether Positive Polarity Items (PPIs) and Negative Polarity Items (NPIs) obey the same kind of mechanisms and therefore should be treated in a unified way or whether a different theoretical treatment is necessary for each category.


The Swedish indefinite pronoun and determiner någon has both positive polarity and negative polarity meanings. For almost every syntactic configuration in which någon appears we find both a some-like usage and an any-like usage.


My research questions are the following ones:


1. Positive polarity and negative polarity are usually considered to be in a complementary distribution pattern.

How is it possible that någon combines positive polarity and negative polarity usages in almost all configurations of its syntactic distribution?


2. Is it possible to derive NPI-hood and PPI-hood from a common undelying semantics for någon? If so, how?


3. Do NPIs and PPIs obey the same kind of mechanisms or different explanations must be provided for each category?



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